Customer Testimonial

Russellville Entergy Arkansas customer Linda Gray increased her comfort level, the value of her home and saved energy by participating in the Energy Solutions Manufactured Homes Program not once, but twice.

In 2016 she signed up for the weatherization energy efficiency measure and opted to have her entire duct system replaced. To her surprise, the incentives completely offset the cost of the new ductwork installation. By replacing the old leaky ductwork, her heating and cooling system works more efficiently. She continues to stay comfortable and save on energy costs.

Three years later, Gray came back to the program to receive direct installed products. She was eligible for LED light bulbs, high efficiency showerheads and faucet aerators installed all at no additional cost.

Since these measures have been installed, Gray has seen her Entergy bill an impressive 27% lower on average. She is thrilled with the energy and cost savings realized by participating in the Manufactured Homes Program.

Gray has been through rigorous cancer treatment in the past few years and believes the ductwork replacement made a difference not only to her tighter-than-normal budget, but to her comfort level as well. She has seen the positive changes this program can provide and tries to spread the word to as many people as possible.

To learn more about the Manufactured Homes Program, call 866-627-9117 or email