Anthony Timberlands

Thanks to the Entergy Solutions Large C&I Program, Anthony Timberlands will achieve over 8.5 million kWh in reductions by the end of 2019 with more projects planned for 2020. Those reductions so far are the equivalent of reducing the CO2 emissions from 6,613,364 pounds of coal burned or from 247,298 propane cylinders used for home barbeques.

“We are always looking for ways to increase the overall efficiency of our sawmills and decrease our environmental impact,” said Wilson Anthony, Director-Regulatory Compliance for Anthony Timberlands. “Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, these two goals don’t work well together.  I think that these lighting projects and future air compressor projects along with the related incentives offer an opportunity for our sawmills to satisfy both objectives.”

“Without help from Entergy and the Entergy Solutions program, we would have never been able to identify or quantify the financial impact of some of these projects.  With the feasibility study aka “road map” and incentive structure, it allows us to proceed on projects with large, upfront, capital commitments with confidence.  Without seeing the potential impact (and savings) from these projects, I’m not sure we would have made the decision to proceed,” said Anthony.